I return the following day after pumping myself full of fluids and filling my belly with a hearty breakfast. I go through the interview, get on the table/bed, and they start pumping away. Feeling good, feeling dandy, I finish up and hang around for about 20 minutes eating, drinking, and adjusting. I decide head out over to the map library where I come across my friend Nat, and shortly after we walk inside, I start feeling if-y. My vision goes dark, I have the chills, and I start to fall over. Thankfully the library lady helps me into a corner where I start to feel better, and Nat goes to get the Red Cross people.
They arrive and begin to walk me back to the Bloodmobile, but I begin fainting again and they ask me to lay down with my legs up in the middle of a busy walkway. So there I am, laying down, with my skirt on, trying to follow directions while remaining modest....it didn't work. I feel better in about 5 minutes and we walk all the way back to the Bloodmobile where I lay in the air conditioning and eat jelly beans and drinking a juice box for about a half hour.
I am told that I am officially banned from ever giving blood in Australia again. I told them I would be compliant and they would never see my face in the Bloodmobile ever again.
I have learned 2 things today.
1. Don't wear a skirt when giving blood

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