Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh, it can happen.

How does someone miss two trains in a row? Not sure.

Maybe the ticket machine jammed three times 2 minute before departure? Some might say it was their fault for not being on time. 

But a second train?

Maybe they wanted a drink of water while they were waiting, but realized they didn’t have any water, so naturally went to the convenient store to try to buy a water bottle. But unfortunately, they have been paying for trains like it’s their job that week so they have no cash on hand and the store doesn’t take a credit card. 

So what if they wanted to go to the ATM down the street and get money? Say they get some money and proceed to walk to the Super 7 to buy a bottle of water. But, when they get there, the cash register doesn’t work, so they have to wait for lets say 3 minutes. 

So they get their water and walk back to the station, and they see the next train is leaving in negative 15 seconds. So this person probably would run up to the conductor and ask if they can get on as it slowly starts to chug out of the station. The conductor looks at them with a big “not gonna happen” stamped on his forehead and shakes his head as the train leaves the station and the person that just missed two trains. That’s how it happens my friends. 

Better luck to that person tomorrow.


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