Thursday, June 3, 2010


Fortunately, the 6 travelers had no barf to deposit into the bags and they successfully arrived at the AVALON TERMINAL, which was in the middle of no where. Originally the group's plan was to camp out in the airport to save money, but the airport was terribly small with no where to rest their weary heads so they bought bus tickets to stay in a youth establishment located in MELBOURNE CITY. Upon arrival, they united with the 2 missing members of THE BLOODY KNUCKLE TRAVELERS, the Parrotmaster Patrick of the Ruthless Ruths, and THE Nedulizer, who presence on the team was not yet known by Carolinese Cameron until their arrival. Surprise! 

After 8 hours of travel, the group quickly fell into a peaceful coma.

3 AM........ *angry muffled voices from the room next store*

"F*#I@# you! Get out *#($*(@ I'm going to &@#@*&# You think #@%^@ you can #@#^@#@#%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



Travelers = scared


After nearly a full, yet slightly terrifying night's sleep, they eagerly departed the hostel after indulging in the free coffee and toast (which to them was like Christmas morning, as an average cup of coffee costs $3.50) 
Side note: Australia does not offer regular cups of coffee. The only coffee that is sold here is cappuccino, latte, flat white (my personal favorite) and some other ones I can't remember the names of. If you want to drink a regular coffee you have to buy the crystals and make it at home. Oh, and an "iced coffee" is just coffee with ice cream in it. No ice. 

For method of transport in this wholly southern road trip, two top-of-the-line vehicles were booked by always-over-dressed-for-the-weather Woda the night before at 2 AM. 

Rape Dust, a white stallion with automatic windows, was quick and sassy with just a pinch of attitude. Named by the-girl-who-touched-kasey's-weeney of the Ruthless Ruths, Rape Dust fearlessly took on the fatally winding roads of the south coast highway. 

Then there was Bloody Knuckles, named by the Comical Caitlin, naturally.
B.N. was quite a character. Equipped with a state-of-the-art USB iPod hook up, B.N. knew how to entertain. Considered the be the "party car", B.N. had to somehow compensate for being the slower of the two. 

After getting lost in the labyrinth of roads they call a city, the travelers finally found their route. After an hour of driving, their first stop was the first lookout point they stumbled across. It was quite a beautiful sight to the travelers, the beauty was almost a relief as they had spent long hours getting lost before finding their way to the magical road. 

When you put 8 people into two cars, some very interesting games come about in passing the time between each glorious stop. Some of the games the brilliant travelers conjured up included: 

What are you parents and grandparents names? Actually quite interesting if you think about it, as the naming of children is constantly evolving. Replacing Virginia, Agnes, Betty, and Arthur are children now named after fruit, days of the week, or just a random combobulation of letters. Apple, Axton, Zylan, Echo just to name of few. 

Another game popular among the women of Bloody Knuckles, was "guess this song" where one of them fan-dangled ipooeds was set to shuffle and the first person to guess the song won
Won what you might ask? The respect for being awesome at life. 

Then there is the classic "whose gonna barf first?" during the stretch of road with nauseating curves and hairpin turns. Comical Caitlin almost won!  

Should have got more barf bags! bleh!

Next stop on the THE WORLD'S MOST AWESOME AGENDA was a the a light house. The travelers stumbled upon a curious looking man who was hovering in front of the cylindrical tower, offering tours for the steep price of $10. They travelers declined, but did get a hot tip on a koala sanctuary down the road. SCORE! 

It was about an hour down the road that the the normal every day road turned into THE GREAT OCEAN ROAD made official by a giant wooden gate. Nothing could have prepared them for the magic, mysteries, trials and tribulation that lied just beyond this gate of wonder.

 It had begun. 

After navigating just a bit farther down the GRO, they decided to stop to refuel their tired bodies in a town known as Lorne. Quite full of strange oddities, this quirky coastal town brought them much delight, and even a nice hot shower! (only $1 for three minutes...what a steal!) 

What happened next, no one could really explain. It was one of those things that just happens and must be accepted as fate. It's like when a door is closing and you slip through without touching it all James Bond-like. 

Yeah, it was like that. 

Thanks to the tip by hovering-overpriced-tour-of-the-light-house-man, the group veered off the road at Kenneth River, and drove their tiny 4-cylinder mighty steeds up into the bush via a wet and muddy dirt road. As they rose higher and higher up through the canopy, the forest plummeted downward to one side, shrouded by fog and anxiety. Not bad anxiety, mind you, but that excited, "I am literally going to explode because I don't know what's going to happen next...literally" type of anxiety.

After pulling of the mud slick, and scrambling to get out of the car, they saw them. 

Perched in the trees, stoned and smiling, heaps of koalas peered down at their human visitors with curiosity. Some were sleeping, some eating, and some were...well, that's basically all they do. 

With the notion they were the luckiest people to ever be alive and witness a gathering such as this, they left Koala Land, and headed down the real life slip-n-slide, towards the road. 

But then... yet another one of the "OMG" occurrences. 
On the side of the road they found a flock of chattering colourful parrots, just wating to make their acquaintance. There were dozens perched in the trees, like they had been waiting all their life for this moment. 

"You liked the koalas? What till you see US!" 

And yes, always-over-dressed-for-the-weather-Woda knew all the names. She is just that obsessed with birds. Female king parrot on the right, eastern rosella on the left. 

No parrots were harmed in the making of this blog

If you were wondering why everything looks so dreary and grey is because it literally rained the entire time we were there. Almost. 

After leaving Parrotropolis, they young travelers spent the next few hours racing to get to the infamous 12 apostles. Driving through rain sent from everything-that-is-not-awesome, they arrived at their destination just as the darkness began to fall.

Racing to catch a glimpse of these famous formations, they sprinted to the shoreline, cameras bouncing around their necks. 

At the last moment, the sun who had been so shy all day, peeped out to say hello to the world's luckiest travelers. And it was glorious. 

After the show, they piled back into good old Bloody Knuckles and Rape Dust and headed for their hostel in Port Fairy. 

Sleepy time........


Stay tuned for the next adventure of THE BLOODY KNUCKLE TRAVELERS!


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