Saturday, February 20, 2010

When you come to a fork in the road...take it!

Laura and I decided to go on a walk while everyone else went to get subway. We found a little path that took us to some peculiar places. 

One of which was this little cement cave in the side of one of the hills that was hidden by rock and brush, yet seriously decorated with graffiti on the inside. 

We stumbled across the noodles log, and yet again, Laura got a little attached. Like, LITERALLY attached. Like I LITERALLY had to pry her off. Now we are both LITERALLY covered in splinters.

Next we found this rock platform next to the ocean and there were crabs everywhere! There were also many cool rock formations, none of which were small enough for me to carry home though, sorry dad. 

This is a place that Laura and I have named "White Finger Cove" because the ocean is constantly thrashing the rocks. There are iron stakes in the rock for people (us) to hold on to while getting walloped by the waves.
Please stand by for more interactive photos involving WFC

On the way back we found these hooligans sitting up on the wall because Lindsey somehow dropped her phone behind the wall. And it was recovered. 

Then Brandi wanted to get up...

Then I wanted to get up, but I didn't allow pictures to be taken of that little feat.  Plus it was like way to dark by then.

Roomie pic!!


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