Sunday, March 14, 2010

Colour conference, Sydney awesomeness, and Slater(comma)Kelly.

First things first. 

Why do the nude bike riders always somehow find their way into my direct line of sight? On my way to write this post I had no choice but to walk directly through a group of garment-less, excessively mature male bike riders who were chastising me for the apparently excessive amount of clothing I was wearing. It was like the guy who invented the bike in 1812 or whenever that happened was still alive and riding around Newcastle wearing nothing but a pathetic amount of body paint.

Just needed to get that out. 

No pictures this time, sorry guys. I know... it's disappointing but I'll get 'em next time.


About 3-4 months ago my friend Lauralee informed me about a conference that was going to be going down in Sydney this last weekend. I agreed to go, and thus Laura, Cameron, Caitlin, Lindsey, and I have just returned from a 3-day extravaganza at the Sydney entertainment center hosting the Hillsong Colour Conference 2010. Summed up, it's an all women's conference that involves over 5,000 women jam packed into a huge event venue listening to the world's renowned speakers and rocking out to some of the nation's most oft-sung songs.

I actually had a class the night of the first session, so like a good little student I went to that class and left the following morning at 7AM (yeah, I know. God DOES work miracles!) to make it to the Friday morning session at 10 AM. So I get to Central Station and somehow find the place I am going in that jungle of buildings AND find my friends.

All in all, the conference was an incredible experience, life-changing if I may. Everyday there were three sessions, a 10 AM-12:15PM, a 1-2:15PM, and a 6-8PM, so on our longer breaks we would go do different things in the few hours we had to ourselves. Day 2 Laura and I were on our own for a bit and after eating some cheap, greasy food as we are walking back to the conference...hark! There is one of those portable spinning teacup rides for kids 10 and under and our brains gave us no choice but to walk up and see if we might perhaps be able to take a spin alongside the merry little 5-year-olds. Incredibly, the guy/boy operating the ride graciously offered us a place on the next rotation in the teacup of our choice. We accidentally mentioned that we wanted to be manually spun by the Teacup Ride Specialists, so after boarding said teacups, the ride began and the rest was a mere blur. Literally. After a 4-5 minute recovery in our purple teacup, we nauseously staggered back to the brewing pool of estrogen awaiting us inside.

Our lodging situation while in Sydney was actually quite fortunate. Instead of paying/staying in hostel with total random strangers, Laura had a friend, Robby, who found some accommodations for the 3 nights we were there. Laura and I shared a twin mattress on the floor which was quite comfortable I must say while the other girls rotated sleeping on the floor and the couch each night. "Living on the cheap" as my dear father would say was something I feel was accomplished through these nice people who were willing to take us hooligans in.

Day 3...While the other girls went to Marketville to look at the shops, I decided to spend my free time walking around Darling Harbour and seeing, hearing, smelling, and adding to the sights, sounds, and smells of all that embodies the essence of the Sydney sea-scape. As I wondered around the area next to the bay, I saw a Japanese fire-juggler, a wandering ibis, and a very,very old, very, very well-maintained ship.

After the conference is done and over with around 8PM on Saturday, we mosey back over to Darling Harbour and find some dinner to eat. Laura and I score some sushi (first time in Ozland I might add and it was delish) and reflect upon our last night in Sydney and watch the fireworks that went off for some reason unbeknownst to us, but hey, who doesn't like some rando unannounced fireworks? After the show, we walked back to the conference center where a bus was waiting to taxi us back to our side of town from which we RAN about 5 blocks through pouring rain to our dwelling place screaming and laughing as only girls can do.

Next morning we rise nice(debatable) and early and make it to the 8 AM Hillsong service. 

Afterwards, we hear of a surfing competition going on at the famous Bondi beach so we decided to go pop the scene for a few hours before heading back to da 'Castle. It was a bit crazy trying to get in and get a parking space, but we found a one-hour spot and just came back every hour to recharge the meter. The beach was packed out and famous surfers from all over the world were there to compete. They were throwing out some prizes to a crowd of people and I scored this awesome red hat, as did Laura. 

THEN... it happened. 

As we were just sitting on the beach, minding our own business, HE rises out the water. 

Kelly Slater. 

Yes, my friends, right in front of my own eyes Cameron and Caitlin's favorite surfer who I know nothing about is standing before me. 

It was pretty epic so I snapped a couple photogs. 

I think this is him anyways.

Around 3'oclock we decide it is about time to head back, and load up the car to begin our 2-hour journey back north to the place we temporarily call home. On the way, reminded of my own long car rides with my family, I start what went on to be a nice long game of "I'm going on a trip and I'm bringing a/an..." And it went as follows--

Alligator stuffed animal
Baby beluga whale
Doo-doo bag for said chowchow
Electric eel
Funnel cake machine
Hotcakes and lots of 'em
Jelly of the month club membership
Kenjitsu outfit
Oscar trophy
Quiddich(sp?) ball
Rack 'o ribs
Slater, Kelly
Ultrasound machine
Vendetta toward a girl at the beach who littered next to a trash can
Womb (for the ultrasound of course)
X-rated movie
Yours truely
Zither (it's an instrument don't worry about it)

Just can't keep this girl away from them....


Devin said...

don't you love just getting comments!? especially when they are from meeeeeeeee =]

i wish i had gone to sydney.
but i still feel like everything happens for a reason.
next time.
if there ever is one.

lets plan a trip for this weekend.
national park?
of newcastle.

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